Natural Disasters

Communities are vulnerable to a variety of types of severe weather, including thunderstorms, hurricanes, flash floods, snow storms, and tornadoes. It is important for you to understand the difference between a watch and a warning for severe weather. A severe weather watch means that severe weather may develop. A severe weather warning means a storm has developed, take cover immediately.The safest place to ride out any storm is inside of a secure building or well-built home.
You should:
Listen to weather updates and stay informed.
Be ready to evacuate if necessary.
Keep away from windows and doors.
Have your Emergency Go Kit handy.
Lightning is produced in all thunderstorms. If you are close enough to a storm to hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. Move inside as quickly as possible. If caught outside:
Try to get inside a building as quickly as possible.
If a building is not available, move into a car with all windows closed.
In an open area or field, move to a low area such as a ravine or valley.
In a group of people, spread out, keeping several yards apart from each other.
Tornadoes are dangerous because of their high winds and ability to lift and move heavy objects. If you receive a tornado warning, seek shelter immediately. For additional information on severe weather conditions and precautions to take, visit the National Weather Service Website.
If you are in your car:
STOP! Get out and lie flat face down in a low area.
Cover your head and wait for the tornado to pass.
At Home:
Go to the basement, storm shelter, or rooms near the center of the house.
In a high rise or other public building:
Move to the interior, preferably a stairwell or hallway.
Flash Flooding
Flash Flooding can be very dangerous because of strong, swfit currents:
Move immediately and quickly to higher ground. The force of six inches of swiftly moving water can knock people off their feet!
If flood water rise around your car, get out and move to higher ground immediately. Cars can be easily swept away in just two feet of moving water!
If You Need Clean Water
Flooding can cause contamination of water supplies. Contaminated water can contain microorganisms that cause diseases such as dysentery, typhoid, and hepatitis. If you think your water may be contaminated, you should purify it before using it. This includes water used for drinking, cooking, cleaning dishes or bathing. The best way to purify water is to boil it. Bring water to a boil for 3 – 5 minutes, and then allow to cool before drinking. Pouring water back and forth between two containers will improve the taste by putting oxygen back into the water.
Emergency Food Supplies
It is possible for a healthy person to survive on half of their usual food intake for an extended period. Here are some helpful tips:
Use canned foods, dry mixes and other staples you use everyday.
Foods that require no refrigeration, preparation, or cooking are the best.
Make sure you have a manual can opener and disposable utensils in your emergency food supply.
Individuals with special diets and allergies will need to be considered as well as toddlers and the elderly.